Fractured FX – Makeup Effects Creature Reel
Explore the depth and precision of Fractured FX Inc. in our Makeup Effects Creature Reel, where each creature is a testament to our technical mastery and innovative design. Navigate through a curated selection of our most iconic creatures across various film and series projects, reflecting our commitment to delivering exceptional, believable, and impactful special makeup effects in the entertainment industry.
Cooties – Makeup Effects Reel – Fractured FX Inc.
A sizzle reel featuring the gory special makeup effects Fractured FX created for the movie Cooties.
Fractured FX Studio Reel
A collection of our work on our various projects.
Aquaman Effects Reel
A reel featuring the work we did for Aquaman.
American Horror Story Freak Show Reel
A collection of our special makeup effects on American Horror Story Freak Show
Godless Effects Reel
A collection of our creative effects work on the Netflix movie Godless
The Conjuring Reel
A collection of our special makeup effects on The Conjuring movie.
The Last Witch Hunter Effects Reel
A reel featuring the special makeup effects we created for the movie 300: Rise of an Empire.
300: Rise Of An Empire Project Reel
A reel feature our work on 300: Rise of An Empire.